e-Publishing FAQ

e-Publishing FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Languages are Available to me for my publication?

We have 17 translations of the publication interface: English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Polish, Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish, Hebrew and Arabic. 

Will I be able to share my publication via the major Social Media channels?

Yes. With the click of the Share button the viewer can post a link to your publication on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Tumbler and others.

Will I be able to track my traffic through Google Analytics?

Yes the Google Analytics code is a standard feature when we create the publication and we will provide you with the link to view your sources of traffic.

If I do a Google search will it find my publication?

Yes. This feature can be turned off and on as some businesses may not want certain documents to be indexed by Google.

Will my visitors need to download special software to view my publication?

No. HTML5 solves this issue and will display correctly on any PC, MAC, Tablet, Smart Phone etc.


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